Wednesday, June 15, 2011


For most of this year I have volunteered my free time and I enjoy doing so. After working in stressful positions, I decided to do something that I enjoy doing without stress, I am now assisting a manager at a local food pantry. I have watched this man work with people that most people see as invisible and often neglect. The homeless, the poor, and yes, even the rich. After being in a place where you needed no one and are suddenly in need of the simplest things in life such as food, clothing, and a hug from anybody you start to appreciate everything.

I volunteer for a man who puts his life on hold everyday for others, he never complains, never finds faults, never judges, and just loves all of the people that come to the food pantry. He always tell the volunteers to make them feel like they are on top of the world, make them feel welcome, let them know that we are excited to serve them

His title is not that of an executive, but he is the finest  I've ever known. To see him in action is amazing! He walks in power with just enough humility and grace. He extends a hand daily and a hug that will mend a broken heart. He takes time to greet each volunteer daily with a smile and a hug and he always shares encouraging words with us. I must say...He treats me the same way he treats the other volunteers.

Who is this man? My husband Joseph H. Neal Sr.

Come by Agape Care and Share and see for yourself. The address is 3650 Patterson Ave. Winston-Salem, NC 27105.

Or give us a call 336-744-4004 you will be greeted with a smiling hello. 

One of my husbands favorite quotes: "It's more important who you are under then who you are over" -unknown

If you know who this quote belongs to please let me know. Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Serve No Matter What

I have worked all my life assisting others as a personal assistant, administrator, and a secretary. I guess you can say I'm a servant at heart. Some people look down on those who serve, they feel its beneath them. If it wasn't for those that assist or serve, the most important things would go undone. 

A side note: I like the meaning of secretary.

1350–1400; Middle English secretarie one trusted with private or secret matters; confidant < Medieval Latin sēcrētārius  < Latin sēcrēt ( um ) secret  (noun) + -ārius -ary

The last two Executives I worked for was challenging, demanding, and very stressful and yet they were the hardest to leave. What can I say...I love assisting and serving. Seriously, I have learned more working with them than I have with working with others.

From one I learned how to deal with different people from all walks of life and most importantly how to inspire children to be all that they can be.  To take time to teach the youth what you know. What helped me most is the fact that he took time to teach me. He would say, come into my office let's talk. He would impart wisdom in me and give me lessons for life.  He is missed!

From another I learned what it really means to walk by faith and remain in love and serve no matter what. 

One of my husband's favorite quote is:

"The servant-leader is servant first...It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead."    -Robert K. Greenleaf

Life is full of many lessons and I just want to share some that I have learned so far.  Thank you for reading.